DJing at UNC Basketball Games
Yep, that’s me! Everything went well during football season and we decided to keep it going for basketball this year as well. I start spinning approximately an hour before tip-off while both teams are warming up on the court. If you’re looking for me, I’m always set up in the student section, where all the pre-game energy is.
Is It Different Than Football?
A little. For one thing we’re inside so I never have to worry about weather impacting my pre game performance (had a couple of scares during football season with rain). The sound dynamic is also drastically different since we’re enclosed at the Smith Center and not in the outdoor space of Kenan Stadium. Admittedly, it’s a bit easier for me to DJ the basketball games because of this.
It’s also a bit different for in game music. I’ll be playing a bit less in game music during basketball season mainly due to how the games are structured. Everything moves much more quickly and there are less opportunities for music to be played.
There are also more basketball games so if you’re a regular attendee you’ll be seeing more of me than at football. I’m looking forward to the rest of the season and being a continued part of the organization.
Chapelboro.com’s Tar Heel Take Series
I’ve been making lots of new friends since starting to DJ for UNC, and I want to shout out the good folks over at ChapelBoro.com. They do a great feature for each game called Tar Heel Take. The most awesome thing about this is they’re all about using music from NC artists! Here’s a great video they put together after UNC’s win over Kentucky featuring music from NC hip-hop mainstays Toon N Laww and Skyblew. I managed to sneak my way into this video right before the legendary Dick Vitale (which is insane to me, I never expected to be in a video reel with him!). This video gives a great sense of the energy at the games so check it out.
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